January 8-12
Quote of the Week: "Creativity takes COURAGE"
-Henri Matisse
Monday 8- : Good News Minute, Quote of the Week, January Birthdays!
Do you have your disclosure?
-Bookmark my Teacher Webpage!
Log in to Schoology and click on the link provided
-Materials: I will give you what you need (table totes) DO NOT get into the materials without asking
-Line up before entering the classroom
-When I am talking, it needs to be silent
-Bathroom pass: Use it between classes! Ask first, if the pass is gone, you need to wait until one comes back
-Clean up: I will do my best to watch the clock. If the room is dirty, all students stay until it is clean
-What do I do if I finish early: Fast Finisher items
-Elements of Art Assignment
6th Period: Welcome to Art!
Tuesday 9- : -Elements of Art Assignment
Wednesday 10- : -Elements of Art Assignment
Thursday 11- : -Elements of Art Assignment
Friday 12- : -Elements of Art Assignment
-Hold Drill 4th period
-Sweep the hall around you and pull in students that are close to you.
-Lock your door
-Continue teaching as usual until you hear the All Clear announcement
-Students may not leave to use the bathroom during a HOLD.
-If your class is outside for an activity, they can stay outside. You should not come back in the building until the all clear is given.
-You DO NOT need to cover windows for this.