Friday, September 13, 2024

Sept 16-20

Quote of the Week: "Don't wait for inspiration. it comes while working."

                                                    -Henri Matisse

Monday 16-

-Monday Morning Meeting

- Form/Shape: Origami

Tuesday 17-

- Form/Shape: Origami

Wednesday 18-

- Form/Shape: Origami

Thursday 19-

- Form/Shape: Origami

Friday 20-

- Form/Shape: Origami

Friday, September 6, 2024

SEPT 9-13

Quote of the Week: "Color is a power that which directly influences the soul."

                                            -Wassily Kandinsky

Monday 9-

Monday Morning Meeting

Grading Day!

    -Grading: Zentangle, Pizza Boxes continued

    -Water Color Color Wheel

Tuesday 10-

    -Color theory review

    -Materials Review


    -Water Color Color Wheel

Wednesday 11-

    -Water Color Color Wheel

Thursday 12-

    -Water Color Color Wheel

Friday 13-

    -Water Color Color Wheel

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

 SEPT 2-6

Quote of the Week: "Believe you can and you're halfway there."

                                                            -Theodore Roosevelt


Tuesday: Twinning Tuesday

Wednesday: Patriot Day (Red White & Blue)

Thursday: Sports Day

Friday: Hat Day                               

Monday 2-


Tuesday 3-

Mountains and Flags: Zentangle

Wednesday 4-


Mountains and Flags: Zentangle

Thursday 5-

Friday 6-

Sept 16-20 Quote of the Week: "Don't wait for inspiration. it comes while working."                                           ...